What is happening in Credit Risk within the London market?
- 2023 has been a solid hiring market within Credit Risk Management, but not
exceptional - Confidence is growing in the hiring market despite a more generally tough
economic backdrop. - Hiring has generally seen activity within Credit Risk at a Senior Analyst and
AVP / Associate level - UK Senior level hires / MD level have been less frequent in 2023 so far
Challenges - Candidates are generally in shorter supply due to nervousness around
moving, desires to “wait until bonus has been paid” and also post-Brexit visa
restrictions - Within organizations, salary levels have been increased due to cost-of-living
adjustments (in some cases as much as 15%). - Market hiring has not necessarily factored this in, so there is often some
disparity between hiring budgets and candidate expectations - Bonus levels from Feb to July on the whole have been average
- IR35 has reduced the Contractor population, so many have taken Perm roles.
- Lure of roles in mainland Europe
For more information please contact rob@theriskpartners.com